Carlotta Cocco
Protocol GBC Historic Building | Key account manager - GBC Italia | R2M Solution
Carlotta Cocco, architect, has over 25 years experience in sustainable design and construction processes, accredited LEED AP BD+C, LEED AP ID+C, BREEAM In-Use Assessor, GBC Home AP, GBC Historic Building AP and GBC HB Qualified Instructor, Designer and ARCA Verifier expert in Sustainable Building, Junior Casa Clima Expert, ITACA Expert. She was a member of the Scientific Technical Committee for the adaptation of the LEED protocol to the national context, subsequently a member of the Standard Committees of GBC Italia.
She contributed with GBC Italia to the development of the New Protocol GBC Historic Building for the evaluation of sustainability quality on historic buildings intervention.
She carries out consultancy, research and teaching activities in the field of sustainability certification and includes collaborations with RPBW, Atelier Femia, F&M engineering, ESA Esrin Space Agency, Prada.
As an expert in the application of the Ministerial Decree on Minimum Environmental Criteria she is a trainer and coordinator of the GBC Italia courses; she is Sustainability Strategic Manager in R2M Solution.
Nominee LEED Fellow in 2022 by the USGBC and Ordinary Academic in 2023 at the Accademia Angelico Constantiniana of Letters, Arts and Sciences.
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Feb 7, 2025
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