Simona D'Oca is an architect with over twelve years of professional experience in research and development in the field of sustainable construction. She obtained a PhD in technological innovation for the built environment from the Urban System Division at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in Berkeley, California.
Currently, she serves as the Head of Sustainability at Jones Lang LaSalle Project & Development Services in Italy, where she coordinates consultancy work in the areas of ESG, carbon neutrality, decarbonization strategies, and green building certifications, with extensive experience in commercial investments. Prior to joining the JLL team, she held the position of Chief Innovation Officer, responsible for managing a joint venture operating in the Italian renewable energy transition market.
In her international experience, she has collaborated on various initiatives of the International Energy Agency. Since 2017, she has been working as a freelance consultant, coordinating innovation projects funded by the European Union on topics such as off-site construction, urban regeneration, and circular economy.
Her research work in the field of building energy efficiency has been presented in several international scientific journals with over 3,000 citations.
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Feb 7, 2025
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