Technician (4LG1) at the 'Functional Materials and Technologies for Sustainable Applications' Laboratory of the Sustainability Department at ENEA CR Brindisi, I primarily conduct research in the field of construction. Specifically, I am interested in non-destructive characterization of innovative and traditional materials, development of monitoring systems, technologies, and materials for sustainable construction. Among his activities, he studies the development of non-destructive measurement methodologies in the laboratory and in situ. He also develops methodologies for instrumental audits in the construction sector and procedures for assessing indoor air quality before and after renovation and/or energy efficiency interventions. Contribute to the drafting of national and international projects related to the study and dissemination of sustainable materials applied to construction. Collaborates with various Italian and European universities, providing training and mentoring to young researchers and professionals. Teaching at the Summer School in Energy Efficiency, ENEA from 2016 to 2019, covering the module on Materials for sustainable construction and IAQ. From 2017 to 2020 teacher of the Materials for Sustainable Building and IAQ module for the Master in Eco-sustainability and Energy Efficiency for Architecture at UNICAM. In 2022 teaching for the Thermographic Analysis module for the ITS School. Since 2020 at 2023 co-supervisor for doctoral and theses at the Politecnico di Milano. Co-authored around 80 scientific articles published in international scientific journals on materials science and construction. Co-authored some book chapters, institutional technical reports, and conference proceedings on non-destructive testing and in-situ and indoor monitoring. Co-authored 3 patents. The author is a level II thermography operator according to ISO 9712. Member of AITI, the Infrared Thermography Association. Communicator for the PC project 'Schools Not at Risk' for seismic prevention.
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Feb 7, 2025
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