Wednesday, April 10, 2019
The young members of ANCE are looking with interest at innovation in the construction sector. In order to help their associates to seize the opportunities of a building industry that is about to be crossed by a disruptive change, the chairman, De Albertis, has signed a multi-year collaboration agreement with REbuild. “I’m really excited to start this collaboration – stated De Albertis. ANCE Giovani and REbuild have each given themselves the same ambitious goal, and that is to contribute to the creation of values in the Italian construction system and to do so with a new outlook, aimed towards new markets and opportunities that may open up at national and international level, for quality, innovation and sustainability. We understand, above all after the years of the crisis, that it is fundamental to anticipate and interpret the changes to society and to do so, we need a cultural change, to do business in a new way, through synergy throughout the entire construction chain.”
The agreement takes the form of a series of meetings during which the aspects of innovation that 4.0 construction is carrying out will be examined in depth, the new business opportunities that are opening-up for the sector and the opportunities that the communication platform and REbuild events make available.On April 17th, at the premises of ANCE Giovani, Via Guattani 16, Rome, we will be talking about the approaches and technology that make up off-site construction.The Manni Group, Wood Beton and Wolf Haus, businesses that already know and practise this approach, will illustrate the potential of 4.0 construction, to be followed by a debate with Fabrizio Piolanti, Development Director for Marriott, a global player in the hotel world with solid experience in industrialised construction.
The meetings are preparatory to the second training course - scheduled for the autumn - dedicated to offsite construction: two days split between theory and practice, starting from a thrust towards the new paradigms that distinguish the buildings of the future, to get to experiment, in an interactive module and with the help of those who are already doing it in Italy, new ways of developing, designing and constructing 4.0 buildings.
See the programme and sign up here.